Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hola! Ha a computer again..but only for like a minute or so.
Anyway, camp is good, girls are still asking tons of questions, and today was deeper, which was praise and a bit of speaking too early this morning while all the campers were still sleeping. It was really nice. Last night was night game, space invaders! It was epic! I painted my face up and wore a neon coat and all black and it was raelly lots of fun.
Anyway, things to do! Keep praying and send me e-mails!! I wanna hear from home!!
With love,
God bless

Monday, June 29, 2009

HA! So i managed to snag a computer once again during spare time ;)
Sly I am.
So I was a gladiator yesterday like i mentioned, and I also slept in the treehouse!! It was pretty cool! There was lots of sap everywhere and it was kinda wobbly but it was fun. The girls had sooooo many questions that were hard to answer, but we piled through them and attempted to tell our testimonies before everyone fell asleep! All they want to do is sleep! Which is nice I must say, but it leaves no room for discussion which sucks. But thats ok. Today during discussion time after Q-town they asked soooo many neat questions that most cabins havn't even touched on. Like they asked how the world was created, where God came from, about Adam and Eve and Cain and Able and how the human race was started. It was neat. 
I must go. People are patiently waiting for computers and I have things to do. Maybe go play some basketball for a bit and do a devo. 
Anyway thanks for the prayers!!
With love,
God bless


Sunday, June 28, 2009

We are hungry

So the kids are here! They got here yesterday and they are pretty sweet!!! I am in cabin 1 (the awesome cabin clearly) with jackie who is my senior counsilor, she's super sweet. Tonight I am sleeping in the tree houses! I am so excited. We won cabin clean up so we get to sleep out there tonight! We decorated in happy birthday theme. Not sure what theme it will be tomorrow, but it will be awesome. I am on free time right now, but in like half an hour I am going to be working the challenge course! WOOT!! The weather is beautiful here right now. The wind is really chilly but it's super sunny. I also got to be a gladiator today!! I was the yellow teams (my team) mascot during All Star Games. I got to wear a toga and my face and body got painted yellow and I got a ballon sword, a sheild and an awesome helmet that has rocks glued to it. Yeah!!! It was good fun. Patty looked like a smurf! haha :P
The girls are asking tons of questions about God and Jesus, it's amazing. Already last night they were asking how Jesus saved us and today they were flooding us with questions about how God made man! It was so amazing! Praise God!! He is definatly stirring in their hearts. Please pray for the girls that God will keep their hunger for him alive as they ask omre about him. And please pray for myself and jackie that God will give us the right words to speak to the hearts of these girls.
Well I am off to do a devo then off to challenge course! Woot. Au revoir
God bless

Monday, June 22, 2009


So i only have about 30 seconds to write this blog but i will try. Things have been a bit tough, fitting in and all, but I know that God has led me here and that this is where I need to be. Things are going well, i'm learning challenge course right now this afternoon. The food is really good and the people are really nice, it's just so hard fitting in to the tight knit groups, but God has a plan for me. I am so excited for the children to come, it's going to be great. I've really been feeling God working in me and seeing his work around me as well. The speaker we have is amazing, his name is Sid Koop. Well I have to run now, like actually, run. Bye
God bless

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Getting ready...

I leave tomorrow! Oh my! I can't believe how fast the year has gone by. I just graduated 2 weeks ago and now i'm off to camp for the summer! I must say though, I am incredibly excited to go. God has definatly been reving me up for going to camp. I am so excited to meet all the wonderful people I will be working with and especially to be with the kids. I remember when I was about 12 i went to camp up in the okanogan (i can't spell...this will be a continuing trend I assure you) and it was so amazing. The leaders that I had and the staff were so awesome and the whole week really changed who I was. I hope to be able to provide the kids with an awesome week that they will never forget, and I hope to be able to bring them closer to Christ. I want them also to see me as an example of being on fire for God and I hope that that will inspire them to become curious about God. I will be meeting tons of different children from all different ethniticities, backgrounds and religions. I just can't wait to be doing God's work and to be his servant. But for now I have to go shopping because I don't have nearly enough stuff to get me through the summer! Mall, here I come!! Then I will packing and packing and packing.
God bless,