Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Feels like I finally see, you've really got a hold on me

Got another 5 minutes to write a blog..i'm pretty sure eventually i won't be able to write one everyday, but ya.
I got a camp purity ring today. I already have one, but the ones they give you at camp are pretty cool. It's black and it's not metal, its kinda like a plastic, but different...its hard to explain, but i'm really stoked to have another one! I hope that maybe I can get some of my girls some time this summer to get one if I tell them why I have it and stuff. I think that would be cool.
Today was water games! Big blue and wide eyed and liquified. Big blue is a giant slip with water and soap and slide and wide eyed is a game where you have to shoot shaving cream off peoples heads and try to shoot water into either yoda or darth vader on the other team. It was tons of fun, but I was sooo cold!
Eating time is getting a little frusterating with the girls. I have one girl and she is a tank!!! Like, no joke!! I pass the food out evenly to everyone, but if I put an extra down on the table she grabs is away and scarfs it down!! She's def. well off seeing as she has enough money in her tuck account to feed all of camp for 2 weeks, but she just eats alot! Its a bit frusterating cause sometimes i've put the food down on the table for myself and I layed it there so I could help out another girl and then she eats it, but whatever, they're just kids. But my girls eat a lot generally. I barely get to eat at all cause i'm always running to get 5ths for them. Theres also like 2 or 3 of them that i'm pretty sure don't know how to chew with their mouths closed! YUCK! But again, they're just kids!
Last night was neat. We gave them the opportunity to give their lives to Christ! We didn't do the typical "Jesus, I invite you into my heart..." thing, we prayed thanking God for everything and we told the girls they could pray it to themselves, but it wasn't really inviting Jesus into the heart because Sid has been talking a lot about how becoming a follower of Christ isn't about saying the words, it's about believing it in your heart and following him in your haert and with your actions. So praise Jesus!
Theres also a really difficult girl that has been causing a lot of trouble and quarrel among the others. Me and jacqui sat to talk with her today during big blue and wide eyed, but she didn't want to talk. So I decided to leave thinking maybe she was intimidated by two counsilors, and I think that was it. I looked back and she had started talking.
Well i'm off to do a devo cause i didn't wake up early this morning for one cause i was so tired.
Please pray for me for God to help me keep my focus on him and to really connect with him. It's very tiresome out here!
Farewell, with love
God bless,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, God is working through you in so many ways at camp. We are soooo proud of you. God is smiling down at you and seeing his work being done through you and that is amazing. One little girl is going to go home, forever changed by what your doing and how you have impacted her life. hang in there during the tiring days and difficult times as its not easy work but God knows you are capable and doing a great job and he will continue to give you strength during this time. We miss you sooooo much at home but we are proud of your faithful work you are doing.

    Love you
